Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Ashtabula County District Library
4335 Park Ave, Ashtabula, OH 44004

Hosted by Ashtabula NAACP
Dr. Auch will be available to discuss the impact of injection wells in Ohio and answer questions you may have related to injection wells in Ohio.

Dr. Ted Auch is Great Lakes Program Coordinator, Administrator and Staff Photographer for The FracTracker Alliance. Before working with FracTracker Ted completed a postdoc at the Cleveland Botanical Garden researching the potential benefits of Vacant Land Repurposing (VLR) across the post-industrial Midwest. He received a PhD and BS from the University of Vermont and pursued an MS at Virginia Tech looking at the obstacles to tree growth across Appalachian strip mines and mountaintop removal sites. He has led in the development of countless analyses of the nexus of multiple factors impacting food, water, and energy in the Great Lakes and Ohio. His most recent research looked at the impact and geographic extent of fracking waste disposal in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska. He produces photo-essays, most recently “Frackland” in Belt Magazine. Last fall, he and colleagues in the United Kingdom, published a paper titled “The Human Right to Water and Unconventional Energy” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. He and his wife live with their two boys in Shaker Heights.