Letter to the Editor regarding Brine by ACWW members, Ann Rapose and Lorna Greicious.
North Coast Voice November 2020: ACWW member Justin Thompson is back with the many ways to be greatful in NE Ohio.
North Coast Voice October 2020: ACWW member Lisa Burroughs interviews Tish O’Dell of CELDF.org in an inspired vision of community action.
North Coast Voice September 2020 : ACWW member Justin Thompson brings us a piece in “Waterfront Frontline” on the countless ways to become engaged in your community!
Water Watch Wednesdays are coming to you this September at 6pm. Written by T Gallo in “Waterfront Frontline,” on page 9.
Inspired by chocolate, ACWW members, Barbara Gubanyar and T Gallo, take a walk through The Harbor in, “Waterfront Frontline,” in this month’s edition of North Coast Voice.
In this edition of Lakefront Waterfront, Lisa Burroughs discusses some of the history of Ashtabula County Water Watch, environmental concerns related to the proposed Petmin pig iron plant and some local history.
May’s North Coast Voice Magazine, 2020, is an on-line version only due to “stay at home orders.” ACWW member, Dr. T Gallo, warns of threats to the environment and stay-at-home solutions to improve community resilience and food security.
In the North Coast Voice Magazine: March 2020 ACWW member Sarah Brower offers solutions in “Can a garden design concept save the world?”
North Coast Voice Magazine: February 2020, Paul Vincent comments on the wonders of growing up on Lake Erie.
In the North Coast Voice Magazine: January 2020, join Justin Thompson of Ashtabula County Water Watch (page 20) as he takes us up in the air to discuss snowflakes and some of the powerful harms of pollution.
North Coast Voice, December 2019. See new column, Waterfront Frontline, on page 19. Each month, Ashtabula County Water Watch will write a column dedicated to sharing information, insight, concerns and cause to celebrate one of nature’s most precious resources – water! Written by Sarah Brower and Dr. T Gallo.
“Local group wins grant funding: Plans educational event.” May 10, 2016 Star Beacon
“County group launching anti-frackwater campaign.” November 17, 2015
Star Beacon
“Ohioans Join Call to End Waste, Quakes Tied to Fracking.” November 117, 2015
Public News Service
“Dozens attend anti-injection well forum in Windsor Township.” April 23, 2015
Star Beacon