Peoples’ Public Forum on Injection Wells
Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 6-8 pm
Windsor Community Center
5430 Mayfield Rd, Windsor, OH 44099
Radioactive fracking wastewater is being disposed of in our back yards. Come hear expert testimony explaining injection wells and health hazards of the wastewater coming into Windsor Township, Ashtabula County. Concerned residents are urged to attend and present written and oral comments.
Class II Injection Wells accept liquid waste from oil and gas wells using hydraulic fracturing. Although this wastewater has the benign name of “brine,” in addition to salt, it contains high levels of contaminants like benzene, naphthalene, formaldehyde, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, and radioactive compounds like radium. Most of this toxic waste isn’t even generated in Ohio.
In October, 2013, an oilfield service company applied to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) for permits to convert two old production wells into Class II Injection Wells in Windsor Township. There are already four injection wells on the same site. Many Windsor and Ashtabula County residents, including all three Ashtabula County Commissioners, sent comments to ODNR asking for a public hearing so residents could voice concerns. ODNR did not respond to any of these comments. The permits were quietly granted in February, 2014, without local notifications. After more than a year of waiting on public officials to communicate with us, and watching “brine” trucks from Pennsylvania roll through our communities, Ashtabula County Water Watch and co-sponsors invite all concerned residents to our own public hearing. Copies of all testimonies will be submitted to Director Jim Zehringer, ODNR.
Event sponsored by: Ashtabula, Geauga, Lake Counties Farmers Union, Ashtabula County Water Watch, Concerned Citizens Ohio, Hiram, and Shalersville, Frack Free Geauga, and the Lake Effect chapter of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association. For more information, call
440-272-5174 evenings.
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